Lady Fenwick Chapter
Daughters of the American Revolution
Cheshire, Connecticut
Scholarships and Awards

Lady Fenwick Chapter Scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating high school student who is a resident of Cheshire or Prospect and who will be pursuing a college degree in American History, Civics, Criminal Justice, and/or American government.

Scholarship Details
Scholarship Application Cover Sheet

Good Citizens Awards are awarded annually to graduating high school students who are residents of Cheshire or Prospect and who demonstrate outstanding qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism.

Soldier & Sailor Lady Fenwick Patriot Recognition Award is awarded annually to a graduating high school student who is a resident of Cheshire or Prospect and will be going into US military service following graduation.
Historic Preservation Recognition Award is awarded by NSDAR to an individual or group that has done recent remarkable volunteer work at the community level. The award recognizes achievements in all areas of historic preservation: buildings, landmarks, monuments, cemeteries, historic districts, statues, museum collections, manuscripts, documents, and archival materials.

2013 recipient: Jean McKee
CTDAR Daughter Veteran Award is awarded by CTDAR, recognizing members for their U.S. military service.

2013 recipient: Phyllis Provost McNeil
DAR National Flag Award is awarded by NSDAR to an individual exhibiting a strong patriotic feeling and respect for the flag of the United States of America, the continual protection of it under all conditions, and the education of U.S. citizens regarding its correct usage.

2010 recipient: Gregory St. Martin

Mary Smith Lockwood Medal for Education honors an individual who has shown outstanding achievement through service and leadership in promoting education outside the formal educational process.

2008 recipient: Ralph Zingarella
Years of Service Awards are awarded to members for 10, 20, 30, etc., years of DAR service.
Joan Hodgson.jpg Mickie Wheeler.jpg Holly Crowell.jpg Ginger Oberst 65 years.jpg Priscilla Batty 20 years.jpg
20 years 30 years 20 years 65 years 20 years

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